Making a single call to a web API is quite straightforward. But sometimes you need to make multiple calls to get the data you want.

The problem

Let say you calling an API on the address and it returns:

API response
    "metadata": {
        "total": 25,
        "limit": 10,
        "offset": 0
    "data": [
            "customerId": 1
            "name": "First customer"

There are 25 customers in the API, but you will get no more than 10 customs per call. To get the rest of the customers you need to call and How do you do this in Power Query?

The solution

My solution is in these steps:

  • First, just make a call to the API to get the number of customers.
  • Calculate the numbers of calls you need to make and then call the API several times with different offset each time.
  • Merge all the fetched data.

The principle is quite simple. And here is some code that do this:

Advanced editor
    BaseUrl = "",
    GetApiResultAsTable = (offset) =>
            // Do not do this:
            // CurrentJson = Json.Document(Web.Contents(BaseUrl & "/customers?offset=" & Number.ToText(offset)),
            // Instead do this:
            CurrentJson = Json.Document(Web.Contents(BaseUrl, [RelativePath="/customers", Query=[offset = Number.ToText(offset)]])),
            Data = CurrentJson[data],
            DataAsTable = Table.FromList(Data, Splitter.SplitByNothing(), null, null, ExtraValues.Error)

    // Do not do this:
    // CountJson = Json.Document(Web.Contents(BaseUrl & "/customers)),
    // Instead do this:
    CountJson = Json.Document(Web.Contents(BaseUrl, [RelativePath="/customers"])),
    Metadata = CountJson[metadata],
    ItemsCount = Metadata[total],
    ItemsPerPage = Metadata[limit],
    AllTables = List.Generate(()=>0, each _ < ItemsCount, each _ + ItemsPerPage, each GetApiResultAsTable(_) ),
    #"Converted to table" = Table.FromList(AllTables, Splitter.SplitByNothing(), null, null, ExtraValues.Error),
    #"Expanded Column" = Table.ExpandTableColumn(#"Converted to table", "Column1", {"Column1"}, {"Column1.Column1"})
    #"Expanded Column"

Just like last week I use a function that I call multiple times. This is done via List.Generate.

Note that each Web.Contents call uses the same address. The path and query string are added via the RelativePath and Query. It may be tempting to just concatenate a string and use that as the first parameter to Web.Contents. In many times this works fine – except in the Power BI service. If you are using a dynamic address you will get strange error messages (I guess it is because it does not understand how to configure the credentials). I learned this from this blog post.


It is awesome that it is possible to do things like this in Power Query. It took me a while to understand how to do this, but now it is saving me a lot of time when I am making reports in Power BI. When you set up the credentials in the Power BI service, you may need to use the option Skip Test Connection. It all depends on if the Power BI service is able verify the connection from the URL that is passed to Web.Contents without any relative path and query string.