How to trim strings in all properties in objects with C#.

The problem

I often work with data objects in C# like this:

class Person
    public string ID { get; }

    public string FirstName { get; set; }

    public string LastName { get; set; }

    public int Age { get; set; }

    public List<Person> Children { get; set; } = new List<Person>();

In some situations, like if the object was created from some user input, I want to trim all strings in the properties. Could I create a simple function that takes any kind of object and does the work for me? Could it also take care of all child objects?

The solution

With a little help of reflection, a recursive function could do the job. The code is not trivial, but also not too complicated:

public void TrimProperties(object obj, bool recursive = true)
    TrimProperties(obj, recursive, recursive ? new List<object>() : null);

private void TrimProperties(object obj, bool recursive, List<object> visitedObjects)
    if (obj == null)

    if (visitedObjects != null)
        if (visitedObjects.Contains(obj))

    Type t = obj.GetType();

    if (recursive && t.IsClass)

    foreach (var prop in t.GetProperties(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public))
        if (!prop.CanWrite)

        if (prop.PropertyType == typeof(string))
            string val = (string)prop.GetValue(obj);
            if (val != null)
                prop.SetValue(obj, val.Trim());
        else if (recursive)
            if (typeof(System.Collections.IEnumerable).IsAssignableFrom(prop.PropertyType))
                System.Collections.IEnumerable en = (System.Collections.IEnumerable)prop.GetValue(obj);

                foreach (var e in en)
                    TrimProperties(e, true, visitedObjects);
            else if (prop.PropertyType.IsClass)
                var subobj = prop.GetValue(obj);

                TrimProperties(subobj, true, visitedObjects);
            else if (!prop.PropertyType.IsPrimitive)
                var subobj = prop.GetValue(obj);

                TrimProperties(subobj, true, visitedObjects);

                prop.SetValue(obj, subobj);

And here is some unit test too:

    public class UnitTestStringHelper
        struct TestPersonDetails
            public string LastName { get; set; }

            public int Age { get; set; }

        class BaseTestPerson
            public string FirstName { get; set; }

        class TestPerson : BaseTestPerson
            public static string MagicName { get; set; }

            public TestPerson(string id)
                ID = id;
            public string ID { get; }

            public TestPersonDetails Details { get; set; }

            public TestPerson Parent { get; set; }

            public List<TestPerson> Children { get; set; } = new List<TestPerson>();

            protected string SecretWithSpaces { get; set; } = " spaces! ";

            public bool SecretContainsSpaces => SecretWithSpaces.Contains(" ");

        public void TrimProperties_Null()
            TestPerson p = null;

            new StringHelper().TrimProperties(p);

        public void TrimProperties_NotRecursive()
            TestPerson parent = new TestPerson(" 1 ")
                FirstName = null,
                Details = new TestPersonDetails()
                    LastName = " last-parent ",
                    Age = 50

            TestPerson child = new TestPerson(" 2 ")
                FirstName = " first-child ",
                Details = new TestPersonDetails()
                    LastName = " last-child ",
                    Age = 25

            TestPerson grandchild = new TestPerson(" 3 ")
                FirstName = " first-grandchild ",
                Details = new TestPersonDetails()
                    LastName = " last-grandchild ",
                    Age = 0

            TestPerson.MagicName = " Santa ";

            grandchild.Parent = child;
            child.Parent = parent;

            new StringHelper().TrimProperties(child, false);

            Assert.Equal(" 1 ", parent.ID);
            Assert.Equal(" last-parent ", parent.Details.LastName);
            Assert.Equal(50, parent.Details.Age);

            Assert.Equal(" 2 ", child.ID);
            Assert.Equal("first-child", child.FirstName);
            Assert.Equal(" last-child ", child.Details.LastName);
            Assert.Equal(25, child.Details.Age);

            Assert.Equal(" 3 ", grandchild.ID);
            Assert.Equal(" first-grandchild ", grandchild.FirstName);
            Assert.Equal(" last-grandchild ", grandchild.Details.LastName);
            Assert.Equal(0, grandchild.Details.Age);

            Assert.Equal(" Santa ", TestPerson.MagicName);


        public void TrimProperties_Recursive(int level)
            TestPerson parent = new TestPerson(" 1 ")
                FirstName = null,
                Details = new TestPersonDetails()
                    LastName = " last-parent ",
                    Age = 50

            TestPerson child = new TestPerson(" 2 ")
                FirstName = " first-child ",
                Details = new TestPersonDetails()
                    LastName = " last-child ",
                    Age = 25

            TestPerson grandchild = new TestPerson(" 3 ")
                FirstName = " first-grandchild ",
                Details = new TestPersonDetails()
                    LastName = " last-grandchild ",
                    Age = 0

            TestPerson.MagicName = " Santa ";

            grandchild.Parent = child;
            child.Parent = parent;

            if(level == 1)
                new StringHelper().TrimProperties(child, true);
            else if(level == 2)
                new StringHelper().TrimProperties(grandchild, true);
                new StringHelper().TrimProperties(parent, true);

            Assert.Equal(" 1 ", parent.ID);
            Assert.Equal("last-parent", parent.Details.LastName);
            Assert.Equal(50, parent.Details.Age);

            Assert.Equal(" 2 ", child.ID);
            Assert.Equal("first-child", child.FirstName);
            Assert.Equal("last-child", child.Details.LastName);
            Assert.Equal(25, child.Details.Age);

            Assert.Equal(" 3 ", grandchild.ID);
            Assert.Equal("first-grandchild", grandchild.FirstName);
            Assert.Equal("last-grandchild", grandchild.Details.LastName);
            Assert.Equal(0, grandchild.Details.Age);

            Assert.Equal(" Santa ", TestPerson.MagicName);


I rarely use reflection, so this was a fun little experiment for me. In C# 9, that will be released very soon, there is support for source generators. With this, it might be possible to automatically generate code that does the trimming. Someday I might give this a try.