A highly voted feature request is to start and stop virtual machines with Logic apps. This is quite easy and possible already today if you just know the right steps.

Update: I have just discovered a new connector that is designed to operate virtual machines. Look on Azure VM. That said, I think this post is still relevant if you want to learn to how use the Azure Resource Manager connector.

Add action

In your logic app, select to add a new action and search for Azure Resource Manager. Then select the action Invoke resource operation.

Add Azure Resource Manager

When you have done that you are being asked to enter six fields.

Fields to enter

Do not worry, it is not too hard. We take this step by step.


Select the subscription that contains your VM.

Resource group

Select the resource group where your VM are.

Resource provider

In the third field you want to select the value Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines. But when I am writing this that option is not available. Instead, select Enter custom value in the end of the list. Select Expression in the new window and enter 'Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines'.

Enter Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines

Short Resource Id

This should just be the name of your virtual machine.

Find computer name

Client Api Version

Just enter 2019-07-01.

Action name

In the Action name field you should enter what you want to do with your VM. You probably want to use one of these:

  • start
  • restart
  • powerOff

You can read more about start, restart, powerOff and other types of actions in the documentation.


When you are done your action should look like this:

Complete action

As you saw, this is not too hard to do. Actions in the connector Azure Resource Manager are powerful, it is just tricky to get the parameters right.